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  • Monday, Apr 22nd
    10:30 AM – 11:00 AM EDT
    Perspectives in Benchmarking
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Rich Katzmann – Rockheads Group
    Presenter: Ed Young – The Fabricators Coach
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Monday, Apr 22nd
    10:30 AM – 5:30 PM EDT
    Fabricator Stage
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Installation & FabricationFabricator Stage
  • Monday, Apr 22nd
    11:15 AM – 11:45 AM EDT
    Why Diversify and the Challenges Associated with It
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Rich Katzmann – Rockheads Group
    Presenter: Ed Young – The Fabricators Coach
    Presenter: Mickey Gault – Stone Grid LLC
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Monday, Apr 22nd
    12:00 PM – 12:30 PM EDT
    Investigate What Leading Shops Are Doing with Technology While Preparing for Cyber Attacks
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Rich Katzmann – Rockheads Group
    Presenter: Mickey Gault – Stone Grid LLC
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Monday, Apr 22nd
    1:00 PM – 1:30 PM EDT
    What Is Your Business Worth? What Could It Be Worth with Proper Preparation for Acquisition? Part 1
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Rich Katzmann – Rockheads Group
    Presenter: Ed Young – The Fabricators Coach
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Monday, Apr 22nd
    1:45 PM – 2:15 PM EDT
    Developing an Effective Team to Drive Production
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Blake Christensen – Valley View Granite
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Monday, Apr 22nd
    2:30 PM – 3:00 PM EDT
    Building Your Fabricator Process: Creating Measurements that Ensure Efficiency and Growth
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Blake Christensen – Valley View Granite
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Monday, Apr 22nd
    3:15 PM – 3:45 PM EDT
    Rework Reduction 101: Streamlining Installation Efficiency
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Tony Malisani, NSI – Malisani Inc.
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Monday, Apr 22nd
    4:00 PM – 5:00 PM EDT
    Silica Safety in 2024
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Mark N. Meriaux – Natural Stone Institute
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Monday, Apr 22nd
    3:45 PM – 5:30 PM EDT
    Fabricator Happy Hour
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Installation & FabricationNetworkingFabricator Stage
  • Tuesday, Apr 23rd
    10:30 AM – 11:00 AM EDT
    Stone Identification/Characteristics
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Denise Daniels – MB Stone Care
    Presenter: Mark N. Meriaux – Natural Stone Institute
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Tuesday, Apr 23rd
    10:30 AM – 5:30 PM EDT
    Fabricator Stage
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Tuesday, Apr 23rd
    11:15 AM – 11:45 AM EDT
    Quartzite Revisited
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Scott Higginbotham – Stone Treat LLC
    Presenter: Mark N. Meriaux – Natural Stone Institute
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Tuesday, Apr 23rd
    12:00 PM – 12:30 PM EDT
    Porcelain Practicalities
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Todd M. Hibbs – Caesarstone Porcelain
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Tuesday, Apr 23rd
    1:00 PM – 1:30 PM EDT
    Perspectives in Benchmarking
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Rich Katzmann – Rockheads Group
    Presenter: Ed Young – The Fabricators Coach
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Tuesday, Apr 23rd
    1:45 PM – 2:15 PM EDT
    Why Diversify and the Challenges Associated with It
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Rich Katzmann – Rockheads Group
    Presenter: Ed Young – The Fabricators Coach
    Presenter: Mickey Gault – Stone Grid LLC
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Tuesday, Apr 23rd
    2:30 PM – 3:00 PM EDT
    Investigate What Leading Shops Are Doing with Technology While Preparing for Cyber Attacks
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Rich Katzmann – Rockheads Group
    Presenter: Mickey Gault – Stone Grid LLC
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Tuesday, Apr 23rd
    3:15 PM – 3:45 PM EDT
    What Is Your Business Worth? What Could It Be Worth with Proper Preparation for Acquisition? Part 2
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Rich Katzmann – Rockheads Group
    Presenter: Ed Young – The Fabricators Coach
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Tuesday, Apr 23rd
    4:00 PM – 5:00 PM EDT
    Fabricator Forum
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Moderator: Blake Christensen – Valley View Granite
    Panelist: Justin Zachari – Creekside Granite
    Panelist: Eric Tryon – Now1 LLC
    Panelist: Joe Duszka – Carolina Custom Surfaces
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Tuesday, Apr 23rd
    3:45 PM – 5:30 PM EDT
    Fabricator Happy Hour
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Installation & FabricationNetworkingFabricator Stage
  • Wednesday, Apr 24th
    10:30 AM – 11:00 AM EDT
    Developing an Effective Team to Drive Production
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Blake Christensen – Valley View Granite
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Wednesday, Apr 24th
    10:30 AM – 5:30 PM EDT
    Fabricator Stage
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Wednesday, Apr 24th
    11:15 AM – 11:45 AM EDT
    Building Your Fabricator Process: Creating Measurements that Ensure Efficiency and Growth
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Blake Christensen – Valley View Granite
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Wednesday, Apr 24th
    12:00 PM – 12:30 PM EDT
    Rework Reduction 101: Streamlining Installation Efficiency
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Tony Malisani, NSI – Malisani Inc.
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Wednesday, Apr 24th
    1:00 PM – 1:30 PM EDT
    Silica Safety in 2024
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Mark N. Meriaux – Natural Stone Institute
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Wednesday, Apr 24th
    1:45 PM – 2:15 PM EDT
    Stone Identification/Characteristics
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Denise Daniels – MB Stone Care
    Presenter: Mark N. Meriaux – Natural Stone Institute
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Wednesday, Apr 24th
    2:30 PM – 3:00 PM EDT
    Quartzite Revisited
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Scott Higginbotham – Stone Treat LLC
    Presenter: Mark N. Meriaux – Natural Stone Institute
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Wednesday, Apr 24th
    3:15 PM – 3:45 PM EDT
    Porcelain Practicalities
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Todd M. Hibbs – Caesarstone Porcelain
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Wednesday, Apr 24th
    4:00 PM – 5:00 PM EDT
    Showstoppers and Unique Applications
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Presenter: Jeffrey Hutchins – DuPont
    Fabricator StageInstallation & Fabrication
  • Wednesday, Apr 24th
    3:45 PM – 5:30 PM EDT
    Fabricator Happy Hour
    Location: Hall C, Booth 6209
    Installation & FabricationNetworkingFabricator Stage